My Youngest Has Juvenile Diabetes
This past Thursday, August 16, 2012, my youngest son, Joshua, who is now 4 years old, was diagnosed with Type 1 or Juvenile diabetes. We spent from Thursday afternoon to this afternoon in the Riley Hospital for Children, while the medical team worked out his treatment and educated his mother and me in his care at home. Juvenile diabetes is an autoimmune deficiency in which Joshua's immune system has attacked and destroyed the Islets of Langerhans inside his pancreas. As a result, he no longer will produce insulin, the hormone his body needs to open the cells to the sugar his body has produced from the food he's eaten. Apparently, an existing genetic predisposition was activated by an environmental trigger and set all of this into motion. Based on his A1C of 10.9%, the doctors stated that they believe that he's been living with it for about a month. I first noticed something about three weeks ago. Joshua looked to have lost a lot of weight very quick...